NIT Tiruchirappalli Wanted JRF for DRDO Project
Full details for NIT Tiruchirappalli Wanted JRF for DRDO Project.
Applications are invited from Indian Nationals only for Project Positions as per the details given below, for research project, under the principal investigator Dr. N. Kumaresan and Co-principal investigator Dr. K. Sateesh Kumar, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli-15, Tamil Nadu.
Title of the Project
Configurable AC Electronics Load for Testing Sonar Power Amplifier
Funding Agency for the Project
Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) / Directorate of Futuristic Technology Management (DFTM)
Project Position
Junior Research Fellow (JRF)
- First Class B.E. or B.Tech. in Electrical or Electrical and Electronics Engineering & First Class M.E./M.Tech. in Power Electronics / Applied Electronics
- Desirable: GATE Exam Qualified.
Emoluments (per month)
Rs. 37,000 + HRA (As per norms)
Tentatively March 2025 to January 2028
Interview Details
- Interview Date: 28.02.2025
- Reporting Time: 9.00 am
- Venue: EEE Department
Job Description
- To model and develop a configurable AC Electronic load which is suitable for testing the SONAR power amplifier.
- To develop the prototype for single-phase, 1 kW & 5 kW configurable ac load system with frequency range (500-2000) Hz.
- To support in processing the project related files.
- The candidate is expected to be good in modelling the Power Electronic Converters and hands-on experience for hardware implementation.
- The candidate is expected to be good in embedded controllers like DSP/FPGA for power electronic applications.
- The candidate is expected to be good in various control schemes for power converters.
- The candidate is expected to be good in doing simulations in MATLAB/PSIM
Age Limit
Should be less than 28 Years as on 28.02.2025 (SC/ST/OBC/WOMEN/PWD candidates will get relaxation as per Govt. of India Rules.)
Application Process
Application should be furnished only in the prescribed format and should be brought at the time of interview (as per FORM No. 8). Also, must fill the details in the attached Google form:
Last date for the application is 17.02.2025 through e-mail (
The selected candidates will be informed on 21.02.2025 through an email. The interview will be held on 28.02.2025 @ 9.00 am at Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, NIT Tiruchirappalli followed by the written test.
Selected candidates are eligible to register for Ph.D. as per institute norms.
Junior Research Fellow (JRF) – 01
Important Dates
- Last date for the application: 17.02.2025 through e-mail
- The selected candidates will be informed on: 21.02.2025 through an email
- The interview will be held on: 28.02.2025 @ 9.00 am