Kazi Nazrul University PhD Admission 2023-24

28 June, 2024

Paschim Bardhaman, West Bengal

Full details for Kazi Nazrul University PhD Admission 2023-24.

Important Dates

Name of the Activity Date
Admission notification 07/05/2024
Admission e-form fill up with application fees 07/05/2024 to 20/05/2024
Editing on receipt of request through email (phd_admission@knu.ac.in) 21/05/2024 to 22/05/2024
Publication of eligible candidates’ list and rejection list with reasons 24/05/2024
Publication of revised all eligible candidates’ list 30/05/2024
Notice for entrance test and viva along with the test schedule 30/05/2024
Conduction of entrance test 06/06/2024 & 07/06/2024
Entrance test result 11/06/2024
Viva voce departments will conduct in any one of the following dates and will notify accordingly. Follow website in this regard 13/06/2024 to 19/06/2024
Publication of viva result with merit list along with waiting list and payment link for admission 20/06/2024
Commencement of course work classes 26/06/2024
Publication of 2nd merit list with payment link for admission 01/07/2024

Important Links
